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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you do not see the answers to your questions below, please give us a call, or message us through Facebook, Paw Partner, or the contact form located on the Home Page.

  • When are you open?
    Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 7:30am - 7pm Saturday 8am - 6pm Sunday 3pm - 5pm We are closed on all major bank holidays and may have altered hours of operation on days surrounding some holidays. Any changes in our operation hours will be clearly communicated well in advance via Facebook as well as posted on the front door.
  • Are you open on holidays?
    The Paw Spa is closed on all major holidays. Although our front desk may be closed, our kennel techs maintain normal hours over holidays to take care of all our guests. A 2-night minimum stay and a $75 deposit is required during all peak boarding periods. If we do not receive your deposit within a week of your check in date, your pet’s reservation may be canceled. Feel free to call or message us with any questions regarding holiday rates, minimum stays, and deposits.
  • Can I tour the facility?
    Yes. Please call in advance to schedule a tour. To keep things running as smoothly as possible, we try to avoid giving tours during feeding time or during particularly busy parts of the day (approximately from Open - 9am and 5pm - Close). For the sake of the comfort of our guests and to avoid any added stress on them or our staff, we are unable to give tours during or near peak boarding periods.
  • Does anyone stay overnight?
    We have 24/7-monitored temperature control, fire, and security alarms. Management will be notified if there are any issues or emergencies after regular hours and can get there quickly if needed. We have a 32-camera security system throughout the building and alarms on the exterior doors. Management has remote access to the camera system and can check in throughout the night. Before the PM shift leaves, they do one last walk-through to make sure that all of our guests are tucked in and secure for the night. When AM shift arrives, they immediately start to let dogs out to relieve themselves. The longest our guests will go without staff present would be approximately 8-9 hours overnight.
  • Can I have access to those cameras?
    Security cameras are for staff only. We do not have cameras located in each individual suite, so you would only be able to catch glimpses of your dog as they walked through the building or during their potty breaks.
  • What vaccines do you require?
    Rabies, Distemper/Parvovirus, and Bordetella are all required in order for your dog to stay with us. We also strongly encourage Heartworm and Flea/Tick prevention as well as the Canine Influenza vaccine. Puppies must be at least 14 weeks of age AND have received all of their puppy shots and a rabies vaccination in order to stay with us. We prefer that all vaccinations are given at least 48 hours prior to boarding, and they cannot expire during your dog’s stay. At booking, we will inform you of which vaccines, if any, we’re missing from your dog’s profile, but it is then your responsibility to get those records to us. You or your vet must email or fax your dog’s records before we can accept your reservation request. You can also upload a picture of your invoice directly to your dog’s Paw Partner profile.
  • What if my dog doesn't have all of the required vaccines?
    We take our guests’ safety very seriously, and do not allow any unvaccinated dogs in the building. There are no exceptions to our vaccination policy. We prefer that all vaccinations are given at least 48 hours prior to boarding, and they cannot expire during your dog’s stay.
  • How do you keep your facility clean?
    Our staff is required to follow very vigorous sanitization protocols. We use a strong pet-safe cleaner, which is specifically designed for use in facilities like ours. The rooms are deep cleaned between each guest. Floors are swept, mopped and all surfaces are disinfected daily. We remove solid waste from the yards between each dog, and any accidents in a dog’s room are cleaned as soon as they are discovered. All communal items (blankets, beds, bowls, toys, etc.) are thoroughly sanitized between each use.
  • Do I have to bring a leash?
    For safety reasons, all dogs must be either leashed, carried, or otherwise under control at all times when on our property, especially in the lobbies. We use slip leads to get dogs from their rooms to the play yards. If your dog has a medical or behavioral reason to not be on a slip lead, then please let us know at check in so we can add it to their profile.
  • What is your cancellation and refund policy?
    In order to get your $75 peak boarding deposit refunded, you must cancel your dog’s reservation at least 3 days prior to your scheduled check in day. This gives us enough time to fill your dog’s room. If you cannot cancel the reservation from your app, then you will have to call or message us so we can do it manually. Repeated cancellations and no call/no shows will result in us requiring a non-refundable deposit to reserve a room even outside of peak boarding periods.
  • What do you do if my dog becomes ill or injured?
    In case of a medical emergency, full effort will be made to reach you first. In the event that we are unable to speak to you directly, then we will reach out to your listed emergency contact(s). Please appoint a person you trust so they can help us make healthcare decisions for your pet. If we are unable to speak with you or your contact(s), then our Release Agreement form (which you are required to sign at or before check-in) gives us permission to make any necessary decisions concerning medical treatment of your dog(s). If your dog requires medical attention, then they will be transported (by you, your emergency contact, or one of our managers) to the nearest qualified veterinarian if your regular vet is unavailable or too far away.
  • Can my dog catch a disease by being around other dogs?
    Your dog’s health and happiness is our top priority at all times. Your pet can be exposed to diseases regardless of where they are. Dogs are potentially at risk in your own backyard, visiting the vet, at a dog park, going to a pet store, taking a walk in your neighborhood, or staying here at the Paw Spa. However, the risk of contracting a disease is quite low when vaccinations are properly administered (as we require based on veterinarian recommendation). In addition, we maintain very high sanitation standards and we do everything in our power to prevent transmittable diseases from occurring in our facility.
  • What if I couldn’t find the answer to my question here?
    Check all tabs to make sure your question isn't under a different category. Then, please message us directly through Paw Partner or Facebook, email us at, or call us at 731-300-3197.
  • What is the difference between daycare and boarding?
    Daycare or day boarding is simply leaving your day for the day, generally while you’re at work or you’re going on a day trip. In this case, you would check in and check out on the same day. Boarding means that you’re leaving your dog in our care for one or more nights. We charge by each calendar day. For example, if you drop off on Friday and pick up Sunday, you will be charged for 3 days of boarding.
  • What do you charge for boarding?
    $45 per day for the first dog $36 per day for each additional dog (as long as they are able to stay together) If you’re able to pick up before 10am Mon-Sat, then you only receive a half day charge for that day. Half day discount does not apply on Sundays because we are only open 3-5pm.
  • What do you charge for daycare?
    $30 per day if only 1 day per week $25 per day if more than 1 day per week
  • When can I drop off or pick up my dog?
    You are permitted to pick up any time during our lobby hours at no extra cost. Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 7:30am - 7pm Saturday 8am - 6pm Sunday 3pm - 5pm The lobby is CLOSED on all major holidays.
  • What if I can’t make it within those hours?
    Front desk staff are the only employees who can release a dog to their owner, and they can only do so during posted business hours. If you’re unable to pick up or arrange for pick up, then you must notify us at least 24 hours prior to the agreed upon check out date to arrange for extended boarding, or you will be charged a $25 convenience fee on top of the boarding price for any additional days. If there is an emergency that requires late pick up or early drop off, please call us during normal business hours to alert our staff. Please note that any pick up or drop off outside of our normal hours must have managerial preapproval and will incur a $25 convenience fee.
  • Can my dogs stay together?
    Yes, dogs from the same family can stay together in the same suite. Dogs sharing the same room must get along at all times, especially during feeding. We do have a few split rooms suitable for families that must be separated to eat or sleep (or just need a break due to age or injury), and we are able to separate out into a temporary holding area just during feeding if no split room is available. If difficulties arise, we reserve the right to house pets separately at the individual boarding rates.​
  • What do I need to bring?
    The main thing that we ask you to bring is your dog's own food. Suddenly switching diets can cause severe digestive upset for some dogs, so we would like to avoid that for everyone's sake if at all possible. If your dog has any allergies or sensitivities, then food and treats MUST be provided by owners. You are free to bring almost anything else that you think would make your dog feel more comfortable (ex: toys, treats, blankets, bowls, an item of clothing that smells like you, etc). We have blankets, raised cots, an arrangement of toys and treats, and stainless steel bowls. However, some dogs prefer their own stuff. We ask that you do NOT bring beds or blankets that are too large to fit in an average sized washing machine. Toys smaller than a tennis ball should also stay home to reduce the risk of choking. Because we must inventory every single item, we also ask that you limit the number of toys and miscellaneous items in your dog’s bag. If possible, please mark the dog's belongings with the pets name and your last name in permanent ink. During boarding, some dogs might act differently and chew things that they normally wouldn’t at home. Our staff will do their best to return all blankets and toys to you, but we are not responsible for lost or damaged items.
  • Do I need to bring my dog's food?
    Keeping your pet on their regular diet will reduce stress and help prevent gastrointestinal upset. To benefit everyone, we really would prefer that pet parents bring their pup's own food. Please try to bring at least a few extra servings of food AND whatever measuring device that you usually use at home (especially if not a standard size). If you happen to forget or your pup runs out of food during their stay, we do offer our house blend kibble at a rate of $5/day/dog. We are happy to accommodate raw or wet food diets, and have a full kitchen for storage and preparation.
  • Why do I need to bring extra food?
    We ask that you pack at least a few extra meals just in case your dog needs to stay longer or they dump their freshly made food when you only packed the exact amount of meals for their stay. We would always rather have too much food than not enough. It is our policy to measure out each meal upon arrival to be sure your dog has enough for their stay. If they don’t, then we will contact you to ask how to proceed.
  • Will you give my dog their medication? Is there an extra charge for that?
    Yes, we will gladly administer medications to your dog while they are in our care. All medications must be in the original prescription container so that we will have detailed information about the medication. Please DO NOT mix your pet’s medication into their food. There is no additional charge for oral or topical medications/supplements/sprays. We only charge $5 per injection if your dog requires insulin or another injectable medication as those must be administered by a manager. Please inform us how your pet best takes their meds. We usually have chicken-flavored pill pockets, peanut butter, and cheese on hand to aid in administration.
  • Does anyone stay overnight?
    We have 24/7-monitored temperature control, fire, and security alarms. Management will be notified if there are any issues or emergencies after regular hours and can get there quickly if needed. We have a 32-camera security system throughout the building and alarms on the exterior doors. Management has remote access to the camera system and can check in throughout the night. Before the PM shift leaves, they do one last walk-through to make sure that all of our guests are tucked in and secure for the night. When AM shift arrives, they immediately start to let dogs out to relieve themselves. The longest our guests will go without staff present would be approximately 8-9 hours overnight.
  • Will my dog get to play with other dogs?
    For safety reasons, we do not allow any cross-socialization between families. Your dog can smell and see other dogs as they pass by their suite, but will never be in direct contact with other dogs outside of their family unit. The primary source of socialization comes from our kennel technicians.
  • Will my dog be in a tiny crate alone? / What size are your rooms?
    No. We have several different sizes of private suites (ranging from approximately 4x4 to 10x9, with many different configurations to fit a variety of dogs) which are assigned by our staff based on size, number of dogs in family, temperament, and any other special circumstances. They all cost the same amount ($45 for first dog & $36 for each additional dog in same room).
  • How many times/how long do they go out?
    Every dog (or family unit) goes outside at least 4-5 times per day to one of our three fenced in yards to relieve themselves and get some exercise. They are accompanied by one of our kennel techs at all times, and we keep diligent records about their potty habits. Barring any severe weather, we stay outside with them for about 5-10 minutes on average during each trip. If a dog wants to run around and play fetch or catch-me-if-you-can, we will stay out longer to expend some energy. If they want to sunbathe for a bit or get some cuddles instead, then we will happily do that as well. During extreme weather, we will limit time outside as needed, and will allow each dog or family the opportunity to relieve themselves in our indoor playground and/or sunroom.
  • Can I get updates and/or pictures?
    Of course! We are always willing to give updates on your pup(s) during their stay. We keep diligent records of their eating and potty habits, which we can access at any time. The best way you can reach us for updates is by directly messaging us on Paw Partner or Facebook or calling us. We have a pretty solid routine for getting regular photos of our guests. We post pictures on Paw Partner 2-3 times per week. If you have an email address connected to your Paw Partner account, then you will receive an email whenever we post new pictures of your pup. You can also choose to allow push notifications from the app if you have it downloaded on your iPhone or Android device. We also post a monthly recap on our Facebook page so everyone can see how much fun our guests have when they stay with us.
  • Do you accept all breeds of dogs?
    Yes, all dogs are welcome to stay at the Paw Spa! We love all dogs and do not discriminate based on breed, age, alteration status, or size. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate dogs who are aggressive towards people. All dogs in our care must be able to be handled because we do not have runs (pens with direct access to outside area) at our facility. We must be able to either pick up or leash your dog to safely transport them to our outside play and potty areas. If your dog has a history of aggression of any kind, please disclose this information upfront. We will gladly schedule a meet-and-greet and/or a day of daycare for reactive, under-socialized, or situationally aggressive dogs in order to assess their temperament and see if our facility is a good fit for them.
  • Do you accept nervous or undersocialized dogs?
    Yes, as long as we are able to either leash or carry them through the building. We prefer to set up meet and greets or a day or two of daycare for any dog that is on the nervous side to ease them into things before boarding them. Usually, they just need a bit of time to adapt to the new environment, people, and potentially overwhelming smells/sounds. Like humans, dogs can have a variety of different personalities, and we try to make their experience as positive as we can.
  • When/How do I pay for boarding/daycare?
    Full payment is due at or before check out. You are allowed to prepay for your dog’s stay, but please know that you are still responsible for any additional charges that you may incur while your dog is boarding with us (flea removal, destruction of property, feeding of our food, vet transport, additional days of boarding, etc). We accept cash, debit, check, and all major credit cards. For daycare, we can keep a credit card on file using our Point-of-Sale system. We keep track of the days your dog has come for daycare, and we will charge you at the end of the week. That way, you’re free to swing by and pick up your pup from daycare without having to worry about bringing your wallet or standing in the checkout line.
  • What is your cancellation and refund policy?
    In order to get your $75 peak boarding deposit refunded, you must cancel your dog’s reservation at least 3 days prior to your scheduled check in day. This gives us enough time to fill your dog’s room. If you cannot cancel the reservation from your app, then you will have to call or message us so we can do it manually. Repeated cancellations and no call/no shows will result in us requiring a non-refundable deposit to reserve a room even outside of peak boarding periods.
  • What if I couldn’t find the answer to my question here?
    Check all tabs to make sure your question isn't under a different category. Then, please message us directly through Paw Partner or Facebook, email us at, or call us at 731-300-3197.
  • How do I make a reservation?
    You can request a reservation directly through our kennel software, Paw Partner. You will have to either create a profile or be linked to an existing profile we have for your dog (if they have stayed with us previously). Here is a step-by-step on how to get linked to your existing profile. You can also call us at 731-300-3197 to book a room.
  • Do I have to book through Paw Partner?
    All boarding reservations are recorded with our kennel software, Paw Partner. We can manually reserve your room if you call us to book, but you can also request a reservation through the Paw Partner app. All reservations will remain pending until we receive proof of vaccination.
  • Why is my reservation still pending?
    The most likely reason is because either your dog's vaccinations are expired, will expire before or during their stay, or we do not have a record of them on file. You can upload a picture of their records (please be sure that all required vaccinations are clearly visible in the photo) directly to your pet's Paw Partner profile for us to approve. Alternatively, you or your vet can fax or email a copy to us. Our fax number is 731-300-3198 and our email address is We check pending reservations multiple times per day, but there is a chance that we overlooked your request. If everything else is good to go but it has been several days, then please feel free to send us a message to check on the reservation.
  • Can I change my reservation dates?
    Yes! You can edit or cancel daycare at any time. You can edit or cancel boarding dates up until 3 days before your check-in date. If it won't allow you to edit/cancel, just send us a message or call to let us know and we can do it.
  • What if I couldn’t find the answer to my question here?
    Check all tabs to make sure your question isn't under a different category. Then, please message us directly through Paw Partner or Facebook, email us at, or call us at 731-300-3197.
  • What do you charge for grooming?
    Grooming prices are based on several different factors. The dog's size, temperament, and coat texture/length all contribute to the total price. Here is an estimated price list. Additional fees apply for matting, flea/tick removal, and special handling.
  • What vaccines are required for grooming?
    Rabies, Distemper/Parvovirus, and Bordetella are all required in order for your dog to enter our facility. We prefer that all vaccinations are given at least 48 hours prior to their appointment. It is the owner's responsibility to get those records to us. You or your vet must email or fax your dog’s records before we can check them in.
  • Can I book or change a grooming appointment?
    Currently, we are unfortunately unable to accept any new grooming clients or dogs. We do keep a waiting list in case of cancellations, but we are lucky that we don’t get those very often. While we would love to meet and pamper your pup, we are physically limited on how many dogs we can groom per day. If you need to check on, change, or cancel an existing appointment, then please call us at 731-300-3197.
  • Will you groom my dog while they’re boarding?
    If your dog already has a standing appointment that happens to fall during their stay, then absolutely. Occasionally, if your dog’s grooming appointment is near their boarding reservation, then we may ask you (or you can ask us) if you’d like them to be groomed during their stay. If your dog does not already have a scheduled groom in our books, then we are sadly unable to bathe or groom them while they’re boarding. You may request a nail trim at booking or at check in, but we cannot guarantee that we’ll be able to complete your request.
  • What is your cancellation policy?
    If you cancel appointments 3x in a row or no call/no show 2x in a row, then your remaining grooming appointments will be cancelled without notice. You will be required to prepay for any future appointments. Antonia reserves the right to cancel or reschedule your appointments at any time for any reason.
  • What if I couldn’t find the answer to my question here?
    Check all tabs to make sure your question isn't under a different category. Then, please message us directly through Paw Partner or Facebook, email us at, or call us at 731-300-3197.
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